Model 1 – The Star Fish Model
This book is about the Advanced chess games (Games 1 – 3 ) played on an Advanced chess game board which I invented namely Model I , the Star Fish Model. The book consists of approximately 196 pages and is printed in Full Color. The book describes the Single Set/Single Platform Games played on Model I. It comprises of Diagrams, Drawings, Illustrations and Photos that describes Model I and explains about the movements of the chess pieces relative to other chess pieces on the game board.
Advance Chess: Extrapolative Insights of the Double Set Game
This book is about the Double Set Game (D.4.2.11) played on the Advance chess game board called Model III, the Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model, or S.G 14 Model. It is important to note for your additional information that Single Set games were discussed in my previously published print copies of Book 1 Vol. 1 and Book 1 Vol. 2 (please visit: and After a while, the Single Set games became boring so I had to develop ways to make the games more complex. Thus, the Double Set games were developed.
In the Double Set Game that involves the play of two chess sets played on Model III, unlike the Single Set game, a chess player will have to Checkmate his/her opponents’ Kings twice in order to win the match. Whereas in the Single Set game that involves a Single set game, a chess player needs to only Checkmate his/her opponent’s King once to claim victory in the game.
The fascination of chess has encouraged me to develop other types of games boards models that are seemingly complex in nature. In doing this, brings me one step closer to my intention of making the games played on the extra models fun and more interesting than the last model.
Advance Chess – Model III, The Triple Set Game
This book discusses the Triple Set/Double Platform Game played on Model III, the Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model. The triple set game involves three chess sets whose initial position set-up at the start of the game is GROUND-TO-GROUND (G-G) at Base(0), GROUND-TO-GROUND (G-G) also at Base(0) and AIR-TO-AIR (A-A) at Base(1). The Double Platform game involves two chess game boards or two StarFish Models. One of the game boards is the Bottom Platform or Ground Level which designates as the letter G, at Base(0).
The other game board is the Top Platform or Air Level which designates as the letter A, at Base(1). The two StarFish Models or two game boards serve as a single unit or game board. This single unit game board constitutes Model III, the Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model.
Since Triple Set Games involve the use of three chess sets, it is more complex in nature than the previously published Double Set games. The reason for this complexity is because the triple set games are much longer than the double set games. Hence, the triple set games require more Equations or Statements that describe the movements of the chess pieces on the game board. The movements of the chess pieces are in reference to the initial position of the chess piece BEFORE displacement and the final position of the chess piece AFTER displacement.
Advance Chess: Quiet Reflection of the Double Set Game
This book is about the Double Set Game, Game (D.4.2.31) played on Model III, the Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model, an advance space-aged chess game board. A Double Set game comprises of two unique chess sets. The winner of this game must CHECKMATE his/her opponents’ kings twice to avail of victory.
This book, Book 2 Vol. 5, raises many compelling question about the dexterity of human intelligence capability as opposed to robotic (artificial) intelligence. Computer software engineers are designing software that surpasses the game play intelligence of Game Board Masters in classic games such as the Chinese chess game called “Go” as well as conventional chess, namely IBM’s chess software called “Deep Blue” which defeated the chess Grand Master, Gary Kasporov.
The introduction of my Advance 3-d model chess game in this book, will eventually force many software engineers to rethink the coding design of conventional chess games. By redoing the task of computer coding of conventional chess games may perhaps allow us to have a better understanding and appreciation of ourselves, who we are as a species and our role in the universe.
Advance Chess Compilations Pertaining To Random Access To Problematic Probabilities
The title of this book, Advance Chess – Compilation Pertaining to Random Access to Problematic Probabilities or (R.A.P.P.) indirectly implies how the data in this Advance Chess book may be a potential source of data mining by Computer Science Engineer who design Computer Chess software by the stretch of one’s imagination. This book discusses how two chess sets (the Double Set Game) may be played on the space-aged game board, Model III, the Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model. The purpose of designing this type of game board is to allow as many chess players to play chess on a single game board piece; Model III consists of two game boards platforms (the Top Platform, the Air Level, and the Bottom Platform, the Ground Level) which is considered as a single game board piece. Model III may accommodate as many as four unique chess sets, which means that I am able to challenge up to four chess players at an instant, spontaneously and intermittently.
This means that I would need to Checkmate my opponents’ Kings at four different occasions. If a chess player controls two chess sets at a time, this would mean that a chess player would need to Checkmate his/her opponent’s Kings only twice to win the match. The game of chess has always been a source of fascination to me. When I became aware that the game of conventional chess was a bit boring, I decided to design chess game boards that would bring intrigue and complexities to most chess players of all ages. The Chess games that are played on these 3-D Advance chess models are categorized under the general umbrella of the Deep Green program.
Although Model III is a 3-D model game board, I tried using 3-D matrix dimensions of the games by placing those dimensions into a two-dimensional book which most readers are familiar with , unlike the virtual reality games that uses augmented 3-D Matrix in 3-D space. The use of Augmented Reality using headsets would easily facilitate the process of presenting the 3-D Game Board models into 3-D space, thus bringing the Deep Green games as close to reality as possible.
Advance Chess: Relative Retroactive Retrospection of the Double Set Game, Analysis of (D.4.2.51)
This book, Book 2 Vol. 6, which is the last current book in the Double Set Game series, focuses on the Double Set Game (D4.2.5I) using Model III, the Longitudinal Star Gate I4 Model. This game board model allows as many chess players to engage with several chess set games on a single game board. The Double Set Game (uses two unique chess sets) on a single game board and may allow for a maximum of four (4) chess players to play. For instance, it is possible for me to challenge four chess players on this game board Quadro-taneously, intermittently and spontaneously.
I have found the experience of playing Double Set Games on the board, Model III, a very rewarding experience. Experiencing the Double set games provides me a better insight into the complexities and intricacies of the games’ tapestry. The fact of the matter is that I easily get bored using the Single set chess set on Model III and find the Double Set games to be particularly challenging. The reason for this is because the Equations (descriptive narratives of the chess pieces movement) for the Double Set Games are, in most cases much more longer than the Single Set Games. In order to win a Double Set Game a player has to CHECKMATE his opponents’ Kings twice. In the event of a tie (draw), a tie breaker would involve a final game using a Single set chess game.